We can tell it’s the Christmas season, because lately our mailbox has been looking like this:

Before taking a pile out to the recycle bin, I had the idea of having the boys cut them up and make collages!

Who doesn’t enjoy a chance to cut things up?

(I did not give them any toy catalogs because I didn’t want the collages to be about the toys they want, but more about all types of things that are associated with Christmas.)

We used white school glue and applied the glue with Q-tips. This is my favorite way to do glue with preschoolers because it’s less likely that they will make a mess or waste a lot when spreading the glue with a Q-tip!

I labeled Owen’s pictures after we glued them on. This was great for building vocabulary (nutcrackers and wreaths were new to him), and we talked about what letter each object started with.

Gresham was able to cut and glue all of his own pictures, which was good practice. Now that he’s not technically a preschooler anymore, I forget that he still needs practice with fine motor skills! Then, I helped him spell the words so that he could label each picture.

Festive fun for free by using up junk mail! Now that’s a win-win!


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  1. Lakeesha Nov 29, 2012

    Those are adorable! They did a GREAT job :-)

  2. Allison Nov 29, 2012

    Great idea! I've just been recycling them but this looks like fun and yes, they do always like to cut stuff up!!! :)


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