A month of valentines for my hubby

As I talked about in this post, it’s been a difficult few months at our house with my husband’s job loss and now working two jobs. Before he took on two jobs, it was hard enough to find time to spend together, and now it’s even more of a challenge! When he is finally home, he’s exhausted, and I have a million things I’m trying to get done while he’s here to help with the boys.

A few days ago, I had the idea to do a month of Valentines as a way to build up my sweetheart during this challenging time. I made 30 construction paper hearts, and each one has a reason why I love Jordan. I gave it to him tonight, and every evening until Valentine’s Day he can choose another heart to read.

I’m sharing this idea for a couple of reasons.

For one, it’s important to remember that a good marriage takes work! No one has a great marriage by accident. It’s a choice to honor God in the way we live with and love our spouse. It’s a choice to do things God’s way – to be kind, respectful, and forgiving. I’d love to challenge you to do this project for your husband. Maybe your marriage is difficult, and you feel like you can’t think of 30 things. Then try starting with a few. You don’t have to present them all at once the way I did, but maybe leave one by your husband’s place at the table each morning.

For two, I think that it’s so important for our kids to see that their parents love each other and are committed to each other. I want my boys to see that marriage takes work, effort, and creativity, and that mom and dad are going to love each other no matter what!

If you try this idea, I’d love to hear how it goes!


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  1. Theresa Jan 16, 2013

    LOVE this idea and definitely going to try it too. Hope your husband appreciates it :)

  2. Shana Jan 16, 2013

    What a really great idea. A wonderful way to build up your spouse!

  3. Katherine Collmer Jan 16, 2013

    This is a lovely idea! I especially love your comments about how marriage takes work and that our children should see us loving and taking care of each other. So many times, parents lose site of the importance of keeping their bond with their spouse as they bond with their children. I have been married 40 years and I am going to use your idea this year. We have enough chocolates and presents all year long. What we need most of all, everyday, is love. Thanks for sharing! And I hope your hubby finds full-time employment real soon.

  4. Jami Steelee Feb 1, 2013

    I just want to thank you for this idea! I have been going to school for the last three years while my husband has been taking on the blunt of the pressure of our financial burden of living. This last year has been extra hard on us, thankfully I graduate this May and there is a light at the end of our financial troubles. I can't wait to grab my kids and execute this project for my husband. He is a wonderful father and a great man! I think this project would be a great way to show him and tell him just how much I appreciate all his support through school, how much he is appreciated as a great fathter, and why he always has to fight through the next day no matter how hard life gets!

    Thank you again,

  5. Terri Saxton Jan 8, 2014

    Love this! Going to do it for husband and each of the three that are at home. Each night I will leave a Valentine heart for them to find in the morning. I love how you have them displayed... This would be great to have on the table as a centerpiece with blank hearts to encourage the kids to fill out for other family members! Great inspiration!

  6. Melissa Deming Jan 8, 2014

    oh I love this idea!

  7. Katherine Feb 11, 2019

    This is a post you wrote several years ago, but I have just found it now. While looking for ideas for my kids, am delighted to find something simple to craft for my husband! What better Valentine gift for my family than to make their Dad feel special? In the creative, inexpensive, and thoughtful ways I used to when we were dating and first married.

    I even have the same rectangular chunky glass vase I recently found while simplifying our pantry and kitchen cabinets. Plus discovered our stash of construction paper. Bought a glue stick over Advent. No excuses, now.

    Thank you for including this in your 2019 Valentine email!


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