We are so excited to show you this Star Wars book project for kids!  Owen, Jonathan, and I really enjoyed this.  We don’t post things that we didn’t enjoy, but this one was definitely a favorite.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

We made the Death Star (not technically a planet), Tatooine, Naboo, Endor, and Mustafar.  (Mustafar is a more obscure planet – I think it’s in Episode III.)

We used shaving cream marbling for Naboo, Endor, and Mustafar.  If you have never done this, you MUST TRY IT!

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1:  Squirt some shaving cream into a plastic container.  Add a few drops of food coloring.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

Step 2:  Use a plastic knife to spread the color around.  But don’t stir too much!  You want a nice swirl pattern.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

Step 3:  Press your paper into the shaving cream.  Let it sit a few seconds and then pull it out.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

Step 4:  Let the paper sit a minute or so, and then scrape off the excess shaving cream.  We used a plastic gift card.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

It is so fun to see the pattern on the paper revealed!  Each one is different.

For Naboo we used blue and green food coloring.

For Endor we used green food coloring and brown acrylic paint (just a few drops).

For Mustafar we used red and yellow food coloring.

We did start over with fresh shaving cream for each color scheme.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Books

For the Death Star, we drew the design on paper with white crayon and then painted over it with black watercolors.  I did the drawing and the boys did the painting.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book

For Tatooine, we used glue and sand.  The boys painted on the glue (slightly watered down Elmer’s glue, PVA glue for my UK friends) with paintbrushes and then spooned sand on it and shook off the excess.

Kid-Made Star Wars Planets Book

Assembling the Book

Then to assemble the book, we just glued each planet onto black paper.  Owen (6) wrote labels for each page, so we were able to sneak in some writing practice too!  (I have to say – his handwriting is by far the best of any of our boys so far.  He has always been very fine-motor oriented.  My older boys did not write like this at this age!!)

I punched holes in the book and used some thread to tie it together.  Stapling would probably work better but wouldn’t look as cute.

For the cover, we cut smaller circles out of some of our leftover planets.  We had made a few of each type because we were having so much fun with the shaving cream marbling!

It would be fun to make one of these books with the real planets in our solar system as well!

Kid-Made Star Wars Planets Book

More Star Wars Ideas:

Kid-Made Star Wars Planet Book


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