Print a set of conversation starters that will encourage positivity and gratefulness! The free conversation cards will jump start good discussions in your home.

This has been a wild year, hasn’t it? It has certainly felt like one hard thing after another!

I know I’ve felt disappointed for my kids, as many of you probably have for your own families as well. They’ve missed out on so many things this year due to our pandemic circumstances, and the return of normal life seems much further away than I would like.

However, the reality is that life is never perfect. There are always hard things! But there are also always good things, and we can choose which to focus on.

Conversation Starters that Encourage Positivity and Gratefulness

We can put the bad news at the forefront, or we can focus on what we DO have. We might not have birthday parties or large social gatherings, but we do have backyard visits with friends! Letters in the mail have not been cancelled, and neither have phone calls or FaceTime. People are still helping, communities are still making an effort (despite what the media wants us to believe), and there is still GOOD to be found.

In light of that fact, I created this set of Positive Conversation Starters for Kids and Families. Use these to springboard your dinnertime or bedtime conversation into more positive topics! It’s hard to just STOP complaining. Instead, replace complaining with something else. Help kids look for the good and see things to be thankful for in their current situation.

These cards are appropriate for any time of the year, in any family situation.

I also included conversation starters that will help kids think about how they can help or encourage someone else.

How to Use the Conversation Starter Cards

There are several ways to approach this. You can have each person in the family choose their own card to answer, or you can choose one card for everyone to answer. It might be fun to try it both ways and see what works better!

Another idea I had is that it might be fun to create a daily routine with 3 or 4 of your favorite questions. One benefit of doing the same questions each day is that kids can start to watch for answers. They might not be able to think of a time they saw someone being kind, but if they’re on the lookout for it the next day, they’ll be more successful!

Ready to print your own Positive Conversation Starters?

Click the link below. The file will open, and you can print from there.

CLICK HERE: Positivity and Gratefulness Conversation Cards


Post a Comment
  1. Teresa Hardy Jul 23, 2020

    This is awesome, thank you. Teresa

  2. Felicity Bower Jul 23, 2020

    Lovely idea even to use when children are back to school

  3. Lindsey Jul 26, 2020

    These are excellent for the start and end of each day in school. We are no longer allowed to gather as a group beyond our own classroom but will have all 30+ children back in class in the UK in a few weeks. Thanks so much Sarah!

  4. Eva Gargoulaki Jul 29, 2020

    Thanks, Sarah! Wonderful idea. We often tend to ask our kids the same boring questions which lead nowhere. These conversation starters can get even the most reserved family members participate and communicate positive thoughts.

  5. Cindy Gunn Aug 3, 2020

    Thank you so much! The grandkids have thoroughly enjoyed reading and discussing these conversation starters during our daily lunchtimes together (annual grandkids day camp). It has been eye-opening to my husband and me to hear the thankful, thoughtful, and generous hearts of the kids as they share.

  6. Barbara Aug 4, 2020

    Thank you very much Sarah for sharing this! They look great!

  7. Reva Woods Oct 28, 2020

    These are so awesome ! I'm preparing them for my great-grandsons for Christmas. My granddaughter has 4 boys and a 5th boy due in March 2021.

  8. Vera Jan 25, 2021

    These are great! Totally need these in this crazy and unpredictable time. I know both my & my family would truly enjoy and appreciate these. I personally probably need these more than the kids. lol

  9. Amy Jan 25, 2021

    Thank you so much, these will be absolutely wonderful to use. ♥️

  10. Karen Jan 26, 2021

    Thee are great, Thank you so much. I have been looking for something like this to use with my grandchildren.

  11. Olga Feb 25, 2021

    Thank you! I´ll use them in my English class :D

  12. Aneta Mar 31, 2021

    They are wonderful! Thank you!

  13. Carolyn Aug 14, 2021

    Wow. As a grandparent l, this site has been so so helpful. Thank you for sharing your gift of creativity

  14. Claudia Maria Pereira Feb 28, 2022

    Thanks for sharing. Kindness circulates & multiplies. Blessings

  15. Terri Jun 20, 2023

    I will be hosting the grandchildren this weekend. These cards will be perfect! Thanks.


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