Snacks have long been a problem area at our house! The boys want to snack all the time, especially in the afternoon. We would generally have one morning snack and one afternoon snack, but they would start asking for morning snack around 9:30 a.m. (after an 8:00 a.m. breakfast) and then ask for snacks all afternoon. The constant asking was driving me nuts, as well as the constant deciding what they should or should not eat.

After reading this blog post, I decided that Lindsey’s plan for snacks was a fabulous idea!

Here’s the plan for our house:

  • Breakfast needs to fill them up. No Cheerios by themselves – if they have cereal, it needs to be a filling type or have a sliced banana on top. We often eat oatmeal or eggs.
  • Morning snack is at 10:30 a.m. The boys can choose a piece of fruit, a yogurt, or a string cheese and crackers.
  • Afternoon snack is at 3:30 p.m. The boys can choose one item from the “snack box” in the pantry. On Sunday afternoons, we bag up snack options for the week – trail mix, chex mix, goldfish, or whatever, and fill the snack box for the week. Owen has his own snack box because of his smaller appetite.

Having a plan for snacks has made life SO much easier! The boys seem to like having a system as well. They know that when it’s 10:30 or 3:30 they’ll be able to have a snack, and they know what they can have. I think this is also saving us money because they are eating more at mealtime and fewer granola bars, etc.

Although, I think the days of the boys “eating us out of house and home” are just getting started… 🙂


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  1. Andrea @ No Doubt Learning Jan 26, 2014

    I love that you have it all planned out on Sundays...and separate snacks into bags. I am going to try this along with a more filling breakfast. Many times we just do Cherrios on their own, so maybe we need to step it up!


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