1. How Strong is Spaghetti? STEM Challenge for Kids!

    How strong is spaghetti?  Challenge kids to invent a way to find out!  This STEM challenge is a lot of fun, and you won't need much in the way of materials!…

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  2. Make a Balloon Pinwheel Science Demonstration

    Here's a fun science activity that demonstrate's Newton's 3rd Law of Motion, and it's also a lot of fun!  Use a straw and a balloon to make a spinning pinwheel.…

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  3. Science for Kids: Make Old Pennies Shiny Again!

    Here's a simple chemistry project for kids to explore - make old pennies shiny and clean again with salt and vinegar! Why do pennies look dull and brown as they…

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  4. Simple Machines Science Lesson: Lift Water with An Archimedes' Screw

    This Archimedes' screw is such a neat science lesson about simple machines!  We use screws all the time to hold things together, but screws are also used to raise and…

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  5. Simple Machines for Kids: LEGO Pulleys STEM Building Challenge

    Combine science and LEGO® building in this fun STEM engineering challenge for kids!  Can you build a LEGO® pulley system that makes it easier (less work) to lift a load…

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  6. Build a Simple Electric Motor (Homopolar Motor)

    Learn about electricity with this simple science project for kids - Use a battery, a magnet, and some copper wire to build your own electric motor that really spins! This post…

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  7. Make a CD Case Viewer for Magnets and Iron Filings

    Here is a fun little tip for containing the mess when using iron filings and magnets with kids!  We have been studying about magnets in the middle boys' science book.…

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  8. Magic Spinning Pen - A Magnet Science Experiment for Kids

    Make a pen balance on its point and spin - using the power of magnetism!  This is a fun science experiment for kids. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Magnets…

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  9. Jumping Goop! An Awesome Static Electricity Demonstration with Cornstarch

    Make cornstarch goop jump with the power of static electricity!  Kids will love this fun science demonstration! The middle two boys and I are learning about electricity right now, and I found…

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  10. Science Experiment for Kids: Which food does my pet like best?

    This post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you've followed this blog for very long, you probably have noticed that we really love science.  My oldest son loves engineering types of…

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